- September 21, 2017
“View From the Balcony” is a landscape painting in which a stenciled man looks out into outer space from his balcony. To set up the painting, Max took photos from his balcony in North Hollywood. This painting was inspired by his other space paintings and Disneyland’s Space Mountain: Ghost Galaxy attraction. In the painting, the man is looking towards his outer space sky to see nebulas, asteroids, and Max’s face formed by nebulas. Max chose a variety of blues and pinks for the painting, to make it look like a lot of beautiful, colorful action was going on in the sky. Max specifically colored the asteroids pink to appear as though they were reflecting from the lights in the nebula. The centerpiece of the painting are a bunch of multi-colored nebulas, forming Max’s face: with the nebulas as the “positive” space and deep space as the “negative” space, also forming the stencil. This is the only art of Max’s which appears in two different versions: one with stars and another without. Initially, Max posted the photo without stars and realized he had made a mistake. However, people liked both versions just as much! The main image is the final version with stars. Below this text is the initially posted version without stars.
14*11 Mixed Media Print Paper
Gouache, Copic Pen, Graphite
September 2017