- February 20, 2017
“Peace of Mind” is Surrebral’s first canvas painting, inspired by Max’s passion for meditation. Max enjoys meditating for 10-15 minutes while under a lot of stress. While Max was painting this, he used the concept of meditation, “following and experiencing the breath”. While Max was painting this, he “experienced” and “followed” the painting by only focusing on and enjoying painting the painting and nothing else. In meditation, your mind is allowed to wander. Max’s mind also “wandered” while painting the painting, painting every detail of the painting as it came to his mind while painting it. This is a painting in which Max experienced relaxation, rather than form, during the process.
The theme song to this painting is the Beatles’ Within You, Without You from Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. The song is a meditation/ Hindu influenced classic rock song written by George Harrison. Max always associates this song with meditation and eastern influence as the song has sitars, eastern drums, and more eastern elements to “relax” the mind. The title of the painting is taken from the Within You, Without You lyric, “you may find peace of mind is waiting there,” referring to meditation.
16″ by 20″ Canvas
February 2017